Monday, 4 April 2016

To an imperfectly lovable batch

So, nostalgia is catching up to us. Last month of the Last semester has begun. It's odd, how the years flew by. I remember the me who came to college, and I see the me who is leaving. There is an immense amount of difference. And it is because of the people I was with.

Cse batch of 2016 is easily called the saddest, lamest, weirdest batch (or so I have heard :P). But for me it is the most special one. I know most of the people in the batch really don't care about what's going on with others (sorry about the brutal honesty, but it is kinda true isn't it?), and I also know most of the people in the batch couldn't care less about the classes. But that's the only time I see you guys. That's the only time I know we are a batch. That's the only thing we have in common. Otherwise we are just groups. The smart-yet-nerdy ones, the dude ones, the awesomely-intelligent-yet-cool ones, the we-rarely-come-out-of-the-room ones, the Axis-Aarohi ones, the nerdy-invisible-girls, the rightmost-row-girls, and so on. All of us, the popular and the unpopular, the visitors and the regulars, the going-places ones and the just-getting-out-of-here ones, we make a batch. We make an amazing batch. 

You will laugh it off, I know (coz I know many of you :P) But each and every one of you, has made me a better person, unbelievable right? Well, we are a sweetly annoying batch. We surprise ourselves when we show up to celebrate what we have as a batch. We don't get along a lot of the time. We hate each other when the backs are turned. But somehow, amazingly, it all fits. All of us fit together. Like, even if I hate some person, but if they weren't around, I would miss them like crazy.

Yes, we aren't as close as some of the other batches or departments. That's probably coz all of us come with our own quirks. But seeing those quirks, and seeing all of you extremely comfortable with those quirks, made me comfortable in my own skin. This was a place where being weird wouldn't come with odd glances. And if I am weird enough to write this, I am definitely very weird. :P

I know so many of you wouldn't even read this, many would laugh. But it doesn't matter. I didn't have a perfect college life, like they show in the movies. I had a quirky one. With lots of learning, mostly not of the academic kind :P. I made a few friends, who I honestly don't know whether will bother to remember me after college. But I have neither regrets nor complaints. Because, I am taking with me memories of a college life that is easily more than I could have ever asked for. Had it been perfect, it would have become mundane. Had it been any other set of people, I would probably have missed out on something. 

I know there are still people I haven't talked to in the three years, but I will try to change that. I know that this would mean little and less to most, but this batch means the world to me.

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